It looks like thickbox is not getting bound to the link that you're dynamically creating in the popup.

In function createMarker, try adding a call to tb_init(), so that thickbox gets bound to the link in the HTML that you're putting into openInfoWindowHtml():

GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {

You might want to put an id in the link tag that you create and pass that into tb_init('#yourID') instead, since the code above will bind to all links with the thickbox class (I'm not sure if you might run into issues with double binding).

- Jack

Robin Rowell wrote:
I am trying to create a situation where the user clicks on a marker
within google maps, gets the info bubble flyout that contains a
linkable image.  Once the mini-sized photo is clicked on, it would
show a large version of the photo via thickbox.

I have gotten as far as getting the linkable images in there, the
thickbox class, the rel attribute, all the parts in place, but I can't
instantiate thickbox from within google maps.  I have created a test
link above the div element containing the map, and that instantiates
thickbox just fine.

Here is a link to what I am working on:

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