Server side is probably safest.  To make it interesting to look at try the
BlockUI modal.

Cookie stuff you might find this helpful,


On Jan 14, 2008 12:04 PM, Robert Vidrine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I need a way to display a user agreement when someone visits my site,
> and require them to click I Agree before they can get in. Best would be
> to set a cookie showing whether or not they've agreed (so they don't get
> it every time, if they keep cookies).
> I think I should be looking somehow at form validation, but I'm not sure
> where to start, nor how to enforce the use of the user agreement on
> every page... (Maybe a server-side include?)
> Has anyone implemented such a thing with jquery?
> Thanks in advance for the help!
> Robert Vidrine

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