CodeIgniters' alergy to GET params is bizarre.  I don't have any code for
you;  my jQuery + CI stuff has all been dead simple for AJAX; I just create
a special controller for the few ajax calls I make and generate the URLs
whole rather than using "params" ...

One of these days I need to dig in and come up with a better .htaccess rule
set and router for CI since it's such a nice light weight framework
otherwise... well, except its ActiveRecord implementation. ;)


On Jan 15, 2008 4:49 AM, dynegara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> is anyone there using jQuery with php mcv framework like CodeIgniter /
> Cake ?
> how do you guys solving the problem url param generated by jquery
> example:
> abc.php?c=controller&m=methods&p1=var1$p2=var2
> into
> abc.php/controller/methods/var1/var2
> any tips will be very useful for me.
> thx
> dian yn

Scott Trudeau
scott.trudeau AT gmail DOT com
AIM: sodthestreets

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