Update: Removing BlockUI eliminates the issue. Now, to figure out

On Jan 14, 9:10 pm, steve love <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can anyone think of any reason why a page would completely stop while
> the mouse is in the browser window, but continue once you move the
> mouse off the page?
> As if I had to tell you, this is happening with IE 6. I'm working on a
> project with a couple other coders, so we're not exactly sure where or
> when the problem began. It hasn't released, so I can't show you
> examples. If I knew what in the code was causing the problem, I could
> give you some code to look at. The best I can do is give you a
> description and hope someone has seen this happen before.
> Basically, pages that involve any kind of processing, Ajax or
> otherwise, will stop dead in their tracks until you move the mouse
> away.
> 1. In the most visible example, a form is filled out completely and
> correctly and submitted using the Form plugin.
> 2. The screen goes dark as BlockUI kicks in, but it's stuck.
> 3. Move the mouse off the browser window and the BlockUI message
> appears. There's an animated gif to show the script is processing.
> 4. Move the mouse back onto the browser window and processing stops
> again. Even the gif animation stops dead.
> This happens on other pages as well, not just pages using BlockUI.
> There are other plugins in use that are called on every page: jqModal
> and dimensions.
> We've also got a javascript function that sets a timer after a period
> of inactivity, based on mouse movement and keypresses. I thought
> perhaps this had something to do with it, but even removing these
> functions didn't solve the issue.
> I apologize for the long post with no code, but maybe someone will
> have encountered something like this.
> Thanks in advance!
> Steve

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