

>As mentioned, I'm working on a larger plugin that helps add keyboard
>handlers for focusing and selecting items with the Tab key and arrow keys,
>making it easier to support common accessibility keystrokes in your UIs.
>It's still a work in progress, but please feel free to take a look and
>share your thoughts. My blog entry provides more details about the API and
>how to use it. There are a few bugs to fix, a few more methods to add, and
>I'll be moving all of the code out of the fluid.access namespace and making
>the low-level API private to the plugin. I'll send an announcement when
>it's closer to being ready, but let me know if you're interested in
>collaborating on it.

You might also want to check out the Keynav plug-in:

It has some interesting code to determine the closest navigable element. The
core problem I've found with the algorithm is that it calculates everything
from the dead center of the element--which can provide unexpected behavior. 

I've been modding the code to find the element which has the closest edge
(instead of based solely on the middle of the DOM element.) This provides a
more predictable behavior. Using the middle of the DOM element works fine
when all the elements are similarly sized block elements, but doesn't work
well when lengths vary.

I'm definitely interested in the work you're doing, since I'm currently
working on an application where keyboard navigation is a high priority.


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