Ohhhhh so close.....

IE 6 is placing the main table below the fixed columns div.  This is a 
float problem.  I'm digging into the CSS issues.  Otherwise the table 
seems to work fine in IE 6.


Shawn wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback.
> I'm on the road right now, so don't have easy access to my VM to test 
> the changes in IE.  But, I've made the changes (aren't they *always* 
> obvious only after you see them?).
> I'll be back at my main computer in an hour or so - I'll try IE then.
> One thing I'm noting - I'm using FF on my laptop right now.  The laptop 
> has a little less oomph than my main desktop... I'm noticing a delay 
> when scrolling horizontally - the head/foot seems to be lagging behind 
> some.  Maybe the head/foot should be adjusted after the scrolling stops? 
>   Not sure if that would be best from a usability standpoint...  Just a 
> thought.
> Shawn
> Suni wrote:
>> Nice work!
>> Seems to work prefectly in FF.
>> Opera and Explorer give a javascript error. Usually (in my own
>> experience) this is caused by the same error in 95% of the cases: an
>> extra comma after the last property of an object. This also seems to
>> be the case here.
>> Remove the tailing comma from lines 33, 37 and 41 and the errors
>> should go away. After that we could do some testing with Opera and IE.
>> So change this:
>>     $("#fixedContainer .fixedHead").css({
>>       width: w + "px",
>>       "overflow": "hidden",
>>     });
>>     $("#fixedContainer .fixedTable").css({
>>       width: (w + 16) + "px",
>>       "overflow": "auto",
>>     });
>>     $("#fixedContainer .fixedFoot").css({
>>       width: w + "px",
>>       "overflow": "hidden",
>>     });
>> to:
>>     $("#fixedContainer .fixedHead").css({
>>       width: w + "px",
>>       "overflow": "hidden"
>>     });
>>     $("#fixedContainer .fixedTable").css({
>>       width: (w + 16) + "px",
>>       "overflow": "auto"
>>     });
>>     $("#fixedContainer .fixedFoot").css({
>>       width: w + "px",
>>       "overflow": "hidden"
>>     });

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