
To get this right, I'll post the html-part first:

<div class="memberarea">
                        <div class="memberpic">
                        <a href="#">
                        <img src="the_image.jpg" alt="Mr. X" title="Mr. X" />
                <div class="memberinfo">
                <h4>Mister X</h4>
                <p>Info 1</p>
                <p>Info 2</p>
                <p>Info 3</p>
                <a href="##" class="email">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</a>

Now, I'd like to add a css property (or even better: a:hover-state) to
the link in the "memberpic"-div everytime the link with the class
"email" is hovered. The image-link changes from b/w to color when it's
hovered (more info at: 
Because both links will include the same "mailto:"; address, I want the
image-shifting to occur on the "normal" link, too.

I tried to do this with the following code:

                function () {
                function () {

That's what I expected to get done: When hovering an "a.email"-link,
the previous link should get the "margin-left: -210px;"-property and
should loose it again when the mouse is out of the link-area.

Since I'm totally new to jQuery, I tried to copy/paste the code from
the documentation and fit it to my needs. This didn't work out & I
have no idea how to achieve the desired effect.

Any help is appreciated. Sorry for this stupid question (and the maybe
bad english ;) ).




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