thanks so much for your time investigating this. i too started playing
wiih the idea of using a jquery function, but i didnt understand why
it worked for otherr jquery methods and not livequery. i learned a lot
reading your post! thanks!

On Jan 23, 4:32 am, h0tzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i forgot,with an normal "each" (not using livequery) and a jquery-
> plugin, it works ....
> $.fn.andThen = function(cb) {
>         return this;
> }
> $(document).ready(function() {
>         $('div.rating').each(function() {
>                 $('#log').append("<li>" + $(this).text() + "</li>");
>                 }).andThen(function(){
>                         $('#log').append("<li>andThen</li>");
>                 });
> });
> output:
> 1
> 2
> 3
> andThen

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