Hello folks,

I'm having a problem with clueTip overwriting or affecting the title attribute of a returned a tag.

I have an application which dynamically returns the names of images in a user-selected folder.

The returned strings (via JSON) appear in the form:

<a href="#" rel="ramosus_imgPreview.asp?sImg=folder/name-of-image.jpg" title="folder/name-of-image.jpg" class="transfer jt">name-of-image</a>

Until I started fiddling with this code (i.e including clueTip capability), when the image name was clicked, an input text box elsewhere on the page was populated with that image name.

The function that drives this process is below.

function listFiles(fo,ej) {
$.get("scripts/ajax_ramosus_editor.asp?id=9b&f="+fo +"&q=" + new Date().getTime(), function(responseText){ $("#flist").html(responseText).show().highlightFade({color:'yellow',speed:2000,iterator:'sinusoidal'}); ---> $('a.jt').cluetip({showTitle: false, arrows: true, dropShadow: false, hoverIntent: true});
var g = this.title || false; $("#sImageName"+ej).attr("value",g);$("#imagelist"+ej).slideUp(900, function() {
        return false;

My problem? After the inclusion of the $('a.jt'....) line, when I click the hyperlink, the input text box is populated with "false". (The clueTip works fine!)

Can someone show me the error of my ways please.



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