tlob wrote:

: 1Page with 4 Divs
: <div id="logo">
: LOGO <-- click on that it fades away and go to div#content
: </div>
: <div id="content">
: Homepage
: Link Sandra<-click, this div fades away, div#sandra is shown
: Link Ahmed<-click, this div fades away, div#ahmed is shown
: </div>
: <div id="sandra">
: sandra
: Link Home<-click, this div fades away, div#content is shown
: </div>
: <div id="ahmed">
: ahmed
: Link Home<-click, this div fades away, div#content is shown
: </div>
[snip code]

: the links look like this:
: <a href="#" class="sandra">Home</a> , etc...

    Can you show us the relevant part of the actual mark up you
are using?


Charles K. Clarkson
Mobile Homes Specialist
Free Market Advocate
Web Programmer

254 968-8328

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