
Thanks. Using the Standard mode fixed the problem.


On Jan 24, 12:03�pm, "Charles K. Clarkson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> MikeP wrote:
> : Hello. My tabs are functional in both IE and Firefox. However, the
> : look inside the tabs is different.
> : The words are appearing in white in IE and dark blue in Firefox. I've
> : tried removing all the other styles on my page and it didn't seem to
> : do anything.
> :
> : Could it have something to do with Unordered Lists?
> � � I notice you are using a Quirks mode DOCTYPE. Have you tried a
> Standards Compliance Mode DOCTYPE?
> � � Consider validating your page. You have mixed styles in your
> page. For example, some meta tags use xhtml markup while the page
> uses html 4.01 Transitional and there is no character encoding
> statement. The validator may help you with that.
> � �
> � � Starting with a validated, Standards compliance mode page is your
> best bet to tracking down weird CSS problems.
> Quirks Mode (Current):
> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
> <html lang="en">
> <head>
> � � <title>Southeastern Equity Center</title>
> Standards Compliance Mode (Suggested):
> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
> "";>
> <html>
> <head>
> � � <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text-html; charset=utf-8">
> � � <title>Southeastern Equity Center</title>
> � � I tested your page with the above doctype/character encoding
> and corrected some of the <link> tags and got back to the blue
> (#27537a) tab color in IE 6. I suspect the problem is a Quirks
> mode problem.
> HTH,
> Charles K. Clarkson
> --
> Mobile Homes Specialist
> Free Market Advocate
> Web Programmer
> 254 968-8328

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