Hi. I tried to use Widget or variable but without result. Than i edit
table sorter plugin. It is very easy.

In buildHeaders method
$tableHeaders = $("thead th",table);

add this

                                // set negative numbers like positive
                                totalCols = $tableHeaders.length;
                                for (var number in table.config.headers)
                                        number = parseInt(number);
                                        if (number < 0)
+ number)] =

and now numbering can be negative, but ONLY like  string

'-1': {sorter:false}

On Jan 17, 10:13 pm, Leandro Vieira Pinho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Guys,
> I would like to know, how to disable thelastheader. I donĀ“t thelastcolumnwith 
> the option to sort.
> I have tried it (see below) but withou success.
> var totalHeaders = ( $('table th').length - 1);
>         $('table').tablesorter({
>                         headers: {
>                                 totalHeaders : {
>                                                 sorter: false
>                                 }
>                         },
>                         widgets: ['zebra']
>         });
> OR
>         $('table').tablesorter({
>                         headers: {
>                                 -1 : {
>                                                 sorter: false
>                                 }
>                         },
>                         widgets: ['zebra']
>         });
> Some suggestion?
> Regards

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