On Jan 25, 1:22 pm, carvingcode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My tabs (using UI.TABS) stopped working in IE6 yesterday.  There was
> some formatting problems, but the tabs worked until yesterday.
> I'm using the stock "flora" CSS package with additional CSS loaded
> from "main.css".  I've trued to find the IE-specified .css file
> mentioned in other postings here, but haven't been able.
> Anyone (Klaus?) care to give a look to see if you can hep determine my
> error?
> URL:http://dev.carvingcode.com/sr_dev/

There is a trailing comma in some object literal in your code. Some
browsers eat that, but not IE:

$("#flopilicious > ul").tabs({
    fxFade: true,
    fxSpeed: 'fast',

You should get a cryptic javascript error in IE!


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