On Jan 25, 7:45 am, tlob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I successfully implemented a simple drop down selection.
> Question:
> 1) If I change
> $("#tl,#ch,#sg,#mt").hide();
> to
> $("#tl,#ch,#sg,#mt").fadeOut();
> I end up with a nasty blinker effect, because the new image fades out
> while the new one fades in. How can I can this?

In order to make the fadeIn wait for the fadeOut, you have to "nest"
the effects:
$("#tl,#ch,#sg,#mt").fadeOut("slow", function () {

> 2) Is it clean to let the
> <option value="none" selected="selected">choose...</option>
> execute, when I select it?

I don't see why not...

> 3) Can my jQuery be done simplyer?
> <code>===================
> css:
> #tl,#ch,#sg,#mt {display:none;}

#images img {display:none;}

> jQuery:
> $(document).ready(function(){
> $("#dropdown").change(function(event) {
>                 var inhalt = $("select option:selected").val();
>                 $("#tl,#ch,#sg,#mt").hide();
>                 $("img#"+inhalt).fadeIn("slow");
>                 console.log("img#"+inhalt);
> });
> });

I made some changes that implement the proper effect chaining:

$("#dropdown").change(function(event) {
        var inhalt = $("select option:selected").val();
        var visible = $("#images img:visible");
        if (visible.size() > 0) {
                visible.fadeOut('slow', function () {
        else {

Notice the :visible selector...if you don't use that, you'll get some
funky effects =) Also, to make it easier to add additional images
without changing your JS code, I placed the images inside a div, with
an id of images...see below.

> html:


>         <img src="tl.jpg" alt="tl" id="tl" />
>         <img src="ch.jpg" alt="ch" id="ch" />
>         <img src="sg.jpg" alt="sg" id="sg" />
>         <img src="mt.jpg" alt="mt" id="mt" />
> </code>===================

<div id='images'>
        <img ... />

Give that a try and see if it is what you are looking for.


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