<ul id="profile-nav" class="clearfix">
        <li class="tab-biography"><a href="#" class="on">Biography</a></li>
        <li class="tab-background"><a href="#">Background</a></li>
        <li class="tab-contact"><a href="#">Contact</a></li>

      return false;

function toggleTabs(tab) {
  var div = tab.attr('class');
  div = div.split('-');
  div = div[1];

Thats basically what I did to solve this task, sorry if this gets
double posted, but my response that I posted an hour ago, hasnt shown

On Jan 29, 9:46 am, studiobl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a set of tabs that use the sliding doors technique.  The tabs
> are built on an unordered list, with each tab being a list item
> containing an anchor. Each tab is decorated by placing a graphic in
> the background of its list item for the left part of the tab, and the
> background of the anchor for the right side of the tab.  These
> graphics then need to be switched out to display the "active" view.
> The actual html page is not changed.  This tab navigation just
> triggers the visibility of various areas of the page.
> I'm trying to use jQuery to switch out the graphics.  The problem I'm
> having is in selecting the list item that contains the clicked-on
> anchor.  There are a number of techniques for selecting children, but
> none for selecting parents.
> One question I have is if there is any way to reference a previously
> selected element in a jQuery selector statement.  Like this:
> $(".tabs a").click(function(){
>      //Now you can reference the clicked on anchor as "this"
>     $(".tabs li:has(this)").doSomething();
> });
> I doubt that this is possible, I haven't tested it yet, but I can't
> think of too many other options.
> Any suggestions?

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