Thank you very much, i try this tomorrow ;)

On Jan 29, 6:21 pm, "Charles K. Clarkson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ZiTAL wrote:
> : Hi, i have done a very simple example of jquery slide, but it doesn't
> : work correctly in internet explorer, it blinks in the beginning and at
> : the end. Thanks for all (sorry for my bad english).
> :
> : link:
> :
> [gets on soap box]
>     Always, always, always start with well formed html(xhtml). Validate it
> to be certain that is not the problem. The DOM depends on you knowing how
> to write well formed markup. If you don't write it, the browser makes stuff
> up to fill in any missing pieces. When the browser guesses wrong, your code
> and markup often fail. Browsers guess wrong a lot.
>     Get out of Quirks mode and specifically define the character encoding.
> This will solve a lot of cross browser problems. Use a DOCTYPE at the top
> of all your xhtml (and html) pages (see this url for 
> xhtml: Here is the xhtml
> Transitional DOCTYPE declaration. It will get you out of Quirks mode.
> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
> "";>
>     Use a character encoding in the header. There are a lot of different
> encodings out there. I find utf-8 to my liking. Do a search for other
> character encodings.
> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text-html; charset=utf-8">
>     This will solve many of the problems you have with IE 6. Including
> the one you presented here. If you have a cross browser problem, go
> validate your page, first. Validate the css and html(xhtml). Fix the
> validation problems and see if the other problem is still happening. You
> may be surprised by the result.
>     I think I have learned more about css and html from validating (and
> repairing) my pages than from any other single source. I have gotten so
> anal about it that I created a custom DTD for one client.
> [gets off soap box]
>     I tested your script with this header and IE6 performed fine. I am
> using the jquery version 1.2.2. I didn't test your page using your source.
> .
> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
> "";>
> <html>
> <head>
>     <title>Foo</title>
>     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text-html; charset=utf-8">
>     <script type="text/javascript"
> src="/site/code/jquery-1.2.2.pack.js"></script>
>     <script type="text/javascript">
>                 var http='';
>                 $(document).ready(function (){
>                     $("#close").click(function(){
>                                 $("#top").slideUp("slow", function(){
>                                         $("#container").slideUp("slow");
>                                 });
>                     });
> [snip]
> HTH,
> Charles K. Clarkson
> --
> Mobile Homes Specialist
> Free Market Advocate
> Web Programmer
> 254 968-8328

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