My issue is that remote requests, especially those involving an
external server, can take a second or two.   It's nice to give the
user an indication that something is happening, which is why a spinner
isn't 'useless'.  It would be great if someone could give me a push in
the right direction.

Also, I noticed that even though the 'Check URL' field on my form
( is
not required, it still performs a remote call and a label.checked is
applied to the field when it's left empty.  Am I doing something wrong
or is there a way to prevent that?

On Jan 30, 1:17 pm, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rus Miller schrieb:> There is a label.error and a label.checked but does 
> anyone know how I
> > would display a label.pending (perhaps with a spinner) while the
> > validation (especially a remote request) is happening?
> > Thanks.
> You can still use jQuery's ajax events to display a 
> busy-indicator:
> I acutally considered a pending state for remote-validated-fields, but
> dropped the idea in favor of a lack of those useless spinner icons. I
> found the goal to make the remote validation as unobtrusive as possible
> to the user a more worthwhile goal.
> Jörn

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