$("#variables #source").attr("id") gives you 'source' result isn't it?you
need to get (i think) a textNode of div or custome attribute.
But better way, i think, is declare global dict like
var params = new Array()
params["lang"] = "en";
params["source"] = "somewhere there";
// etc...

  //other DOM-ready stuff...
Now you can use `x = params['source']` anywhere - its global. And it
disappear when you reload a whole page.
But you can't make it visible ;) - use FireBug.

On Jan 30, 2008 3:07 PM, Feed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'd like to know what do you do keep variables across ajax pages.
> I've been doing something that I consider a "hack" and very noobish
> (I'm not a programmer):
> I create an invisible DIV in the main page and sub-divs with the
> variables, then when I need the values I use attr() to retrieve the
> current value.
> Something like this:
> <div id="variables">
>   <div id="language">en</div>
>   <div id="session">clients</div>
>   <div id="source">digital</div>
> </div>
> Then when I need to know where the user came from, for example, I just
> do a $("#variables #source").attr("id").
> I actually find this easy to debug because I can always unhide the
> variables DIV.
> Is this extremely noobish? What's the best way to do something like
> this?

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