
It seems like a sensible requirement to be able to style inactive arrows differently to active ones and to be honest I thought that I had code to do this in jScrollPane. From a quick look it seems like I haven't though...

So I have raised a ticket for myself to implement this:

I will try and get this done ASAP (there are a few tickets for jScrollPane which all need dealing with). In the meantime you can try creating and styling a "disabled" class and assume that the next version of the plugin will dynamically add and remove it.

Hope that helps,

Kelvin :)

DingoNV wrote:
i was wondering if anyone has a quick and easy way to hide an arrow if
you are at the beginning or end of the scrollable content.

for instance
i would want the top arrow to not be visible at first, because there
is no content above it.

and when i reach the end of the content, i would like the down arrow
to disappear.

I know enough to just set the position of the arrow object to some
place so that it's not visible, but i don't know enough jQuery or how
jScrollPane works to figure out how too do this.

Is there an event that is triggered by jScrollPane when scrolling
stops that reports the position?

thanks for any help.

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