Just starting to integrate Jörn's new Validate 1.2 plugin and very
pleased with the results thus far. However, until some updated docs
are available, I'm a bit in the dark as to how to implement certain
things. Before I go diving into the source, I thought I'd ask here.
First two questions:

(1) How do you control where the error label appears for grouped
elements like radio buttons and checkboxes? Right now it's appearing
right after the first one for me.

(2) How do you indicate dependencies within the markup, as opposed to
within the plugin call? In other words, if I have a group of radio
buttons, and a text input that is only required if a certain radio
button is checked, can I add something to the markup of the text input
to indicate that?

I'm sure I'll be doing plenty of custom validation in addition to what
the plugin provides, but I'd like to use as much of the built-in
functionality as possible.


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