Yes--IE6 creates global variables for every element with an id or
name, and won't let you overwrite them. I didn't realize that IE7
fixed that. You could also have solved your problem by putting 'var'
before the variable names--declaring them as local to the click
function. Probably a good idea anyway--you hate to mess up the global

On Feb 1, 4:00 am, Michael Price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Given the following table cell:
> > <td>
> > <input class="SearchProdID" type="hidden" value="460" name="ProdID"/>
> > <input class="SearchQty" type="text" value="1" size="2" name="qty"/>
> > <input class="cartadd" type="button" value="+" name="searchcartadd"/>
> > </td>
> > The following JavaScript works in FF2 and IE7 but not in IE6:
> > $(".cartadd").click(function() {
> >     IDBox  = $(this);
> >     ProdID = $(this).siblings(".SearchProdID").val();
> >     Qty    = $(this).siblings(".SearchQty").val();
> >     alert("Here");
> >     // MORE CODE....
> > }
> > In FF2 and IE7 "Here" is alerted and the entire function (which later
> > posts these variables via AJAX) runs perfectly. In IE6 I don't get the
> > alert. If I alert IDBox right after the line where it's set, I get
> > [object Object] which I believe is correct, but as soon as it hits the
> > next lines involving siblings, it just stops dead - no error, no
> > warning, nothing.
> Following up to my own post but while I was waiting for my post to
> appear in the group I decided to try changing the variable name from
> ProdID to ProductID - and it worked!
> A near identical piece of code was having a similar problem so I changed
> the variable from SeriesName to SeriesID - and that fixed the problem
> there too!
> My theory here is that if you look at the above snippets, the hidden
> form elements in both cases had the names "ProdID" and "SeriesName", so
> they were already defined as variables and IE6 had a problem with
> overwriting or reassigning them somehow?
> Regards,
> Michael Price

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