Hi folks!

I've just released an update to the <a href="http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-tooltip/";>tooltip plugin</a>. Its mostly a bugfix release with a few small improvements. I've also moved the documentation to the jQuery wiki and restructured the folder layout to fit other plugins.

From the changelog:

<li>Improved bodyHandler option to accept HTML strings, DOM elements and jQuery objects as the return value</li> <li>Fixed bug in Safari 3 where to tooltip is initially visible, by first appending to DOM then hiding it</li> <li>Improvement for viewport-border-positioning: Add the classes "viewport-right" and "viewport-bottom" when the element is moved at the viewport border.</li>
<li>Moved and enhanced documentation to docs.jquery.com</li>
<li>Added examples for bodyHandler: footnote-tooltip and thumbnail</li>
<li>Added id option, defaults to "tooltip", override to use a different id in your stylesheet</li>
<li>Moved demo tooltip style to screen.css</li>
<li>Moved demo files to demo folder and dependencies to lib folder</li>
<li>Dropped image map example - completely incompatible with IE; image maps aren't supported anymore</li>

Have fun!

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