I'm hoping one of you guys can help me out.

I've got a multiselect that I can't get to work with the multiselect
plugin I obtained from http://lab.arc90.com/tools/jquery_multiselect/

Unfortunately, for whatever reason, I can't get to the main page so I
can't look up the examples listed there.

Anyway, I have a multiselect that looks something like this:

<select id="jqmulti" name="my_name" class="my_class"
multiple="multiple" size="4" title="my_title">
  <option value="Option 1"</option>
  <option value="Option 2"</option>
  <option value="Option 3"</option>
  <option value="Option x"</option>

I've got other html that generates a tabbed notebook.  When I select
the appropriate page, the above is generated with the appropriate data
and loaded via Ajax into the notebook page.  I've tried adding the
following to the notebook's  .click function:

  select_all_min: 3,
  no_selection: "No items selected",
  selected_text: " items selected"

However, when I try it, nothing happens or it errors out (as seen in
firebug) with $(this).attr is not a function.  In the case without the
error, the page for the notebook loads with the appropriate data, but
the multiSelect doesn't fire -- I see a scrollable multiselect box
instead.  I've tried adding the jquery stuff to the html that gets
loaded via Ajax -- and when I do that firebug complains that #jqmulti
has no properties.

My guess is that the jquery is getting called too early.  Is there any
way to delay it?

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