Further investigation shows that the problem is not a jquery problem
but a IE issue. If, for whatever reason the injected content is
incorrectly built (ie. an extra </div>) IE will not injct hte content
in the destination DOM object without any error notice.

On 30 jan, 11:25, Robert Ernens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> We have just finalized an upgrade of all our code and jquery plug-ins to the
> new jquery 1.2.2 migrating from 1.1.3.
> We are heavily using ajax to build highly interactive web sites.
> Since the upgrade, we face a majorissuewith IE (we only tested IE 7, not
> IE 6 yet).
> While initially suspecting that it was an ajaxissue, we found out all ajax
> requests were successfull. The loaded content correctly shows up in
> responseText as displayed by an alert(responseText) issued by an ajax succes
> callback.
> But we can't get it to show in the target div.
> Looking into the target div with the IE developper toolbarDOMinspector
> shows that the target div is empty.
> Using the CSD javascript debugger, we isolated that theissueseems to be in
> the jquery append function without being able to understand why.
> Did also the test with yesterday nightly build without success ?
> FailingDOMinjectionis the result of using the ajaxSubmit plug-in function
> or the ui.tabs remote load as well as ajaxContent plug-in not cde that we
> have written.
> Works fine in Opera 9.25 (Win and Mac), Firefox (Win and Mac),
> Safari 3.0.4 (Mac) but fails on IE 7
> Help welcome !
> --
> Robert Ernens
> HTCBA Consulting - Web-à-la-Carte®

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