It is almost always useful if you post *relevant* code for these kind
of problems. Otherwise we can only guess or have to spend some time on
writing a reply asking you for such code ;-)

(By "relevant" I mean not to simply dump 400 lines of HTML +
JavaScript source code in here...)

There's nothing wrong with nested tabs. So I'm guessing now: Is there
a JavaScript error on the page? Does the form have a target attribute
set to something? Some extra handlers attached to the form? Do you use
some 3rd party libraries?


On Feb 5, 2:50 pm, carvingcode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've created the nested tab structure and it does its initial display
> just fine.
> I'm having problems with displaying remotely generated content within
> a region of one of the nested tabs.  The region is defined as a DIV
> and I've double-checked the naming throughout.
> The remote content is being generated from a form search.  I use the
> FORM plugin for that.  This method works fine for me on non-nested
> tabs.  In the nested tab, the content is opened in a new window
> instead of the region within the nested tab.
> Is there anything out of th ordinary that I should be aware of and
> looking for?  Is nesting tabs not a good idea?

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