Anyone had any issues with the latest version of this in IE?

I have a page that uses this, and I've made use of the sortStart and
sortEnd triggers.  For whatever reason, the sortEnd trigger never
fires -- so the message box I have show never goes away.  Also, the
zebra striping isn't working at all -- not even when I leave the
widgetZebra property at its default and change my css to use "even"
and "odd" instead of "my-even-class" and "my-odd-class".

I've tried making sure my usage of the triggers is EXACTLY like that
listed on the example page -- and still no love.  Any ideas what I
could be missing?

I have something like the following:

$(document).ready(function() {
    widgets: ['zebra'],
    widgetZebra: {css: ["my-even-class","my-odd-class"]},
    cssAsc: 'asc',
    cssDesc: 'desc',

$('table').bind("sortStart",function() {
  $('#display-div).css("css stuff here").show();

I've tried changing the .fadeOut('slow') to .hide().  No love.  I've
tried getting rid of the .css call in sortStart, so that it just ends
up being $('#display-div).show();  No love.  I've even tried striping
down the .tablesorter call to not specify anything beyond widgets:
['zebra'], and still it doesn't work! It says that the plugin works in
ie6 -- but my tests show this not to be the case.  However, when I go
to with ie6 -- works
like a charm.  I must be missing something very subtle.  About the
only thing I haven't tried is using the packed version of tablesorter
because I have made some modifications to it for my use (changed the
%sort to sort floats as well as integers, since I have to sort values
like 10.35%).  It works beautifully in firefox. . . zebra striping,
triggers, and sorting -- all of it!

Any assistance would be appreciated.

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