I've just released an update to the <a href="http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-treeview-tooltip/";>treeview plugin</a>.

One major improvement are completely overhauled themes, based on CSS sprites that require only two images. That makes customizing them much easier, while also improving performance - less file, less filesize.

Also new are lazy-loaded trees, based on Ajax and JSON.

From the changelog:

<li>Fixed tree control to search only for anchors, allowing images or other elements inside the controls, while keeping the control usable with the keyboard</li> <li>Restructured folder layout: root contains plugin resources, lib contains script dependencies, demo contains demos and related files</li> <li>Added prerendered option: If set to true, assumes all hitarea divs and classes already rendered, speeding up initialization for big trees, but more obtrusive</li> <li>Added jquery.treeview.async.js for ajax-lazy-loading trees, see async.html demo</li>
<li>Exposed $.fn.treeview.classes for custom classes if necessary</li>
<li>Show treecontrol only when JavaScript is enabled</li>
<li>Completely reworked themeing via CSS sprites, resulting in only two files per theme
 <ul><li>updated dotted, black, gray and red theme</li>
 <li>added famfamfam theme (no lines)</li></ul></li>
<li>Improved cookie persistence to allow multiple persisted trees per page via cookieId option</li>
<li>Improved location persistence by making it case-insensitive</li>
<li>Improved swapClass and replaceClass plugin implementations</li>
<li>Added folder-closed.gif to filetree example</li>

Have fun!


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