   I'd say that is doable, but using jQuery's animate() might not be
the best solution, as you have to stop the current animation and start
a new one. Maybe a setInterval that modifies scrollTop might be the
best approach.
I know you said you are a beginner.. :)


Ariel Flesler

On 7 feb, 20:43, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> Hi,
> I've got an interface concept that I can't quite see through. The link
> to the prototype is here:
> http://dev.accelerantstudios.com/promo/index.html
> What I'd like to do is to take the ul's with options in them (the one
> with the scrollbar (overflow: auto) on the left, the one without
> (overflow:hidden) on the right), and have them scroll automatically
> when the mouse in placed within the ul. If the mouse is in the top
> part, the content scrolls up and the speed increases depending on how
> high you move the mouse position. The reverse would be true for the
> bottom part - scroll downward with increasing speed depending on how
> far from center you go.
> The functionality would be similar 
> to:http://www.flashloaded.com/flashcomponents/flvplayerpro/example1.html
> Any advice would be very helpful - I'm kind a JavaScript and jQuery
> beginner. Thanks!

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