Thanks Mike -- that fixed it. The brief flicker in IE7 between
ClearType and regular type I suppose is unavoidable. I could use a
slide transition instead, but it wouldn't look as good. Oh well.

On Feb 11, 9:01 am, "Mike Alsup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brian,
> In IE6 you can usually solve the problem by setting an explicit background
> color on the element in question.  But for IE7 you need to remove the
> opacity filter after the animation completes:
> $('#myDiv').fadeIn(function() {
>     if ($.browser.msie)
> });
> Mike
> On Feb 11, 2008 8:15 AM, Giant Jam Sandwich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I was inserting some text to a (display:none) DIV with .html(), and
> > then showing it with .fadeIn(), and I noticed that IE "loses"
> > ClearType rendering. The font I am using is Georgia. I haven't tested
> > any other scenarios other than the one I just described, but has
> > anyone else experienced this? I'm on Windows XP SP2 Home Edition.
> > Thanks.
> > Brian

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