Hi Josh,

I do have the latest release.
I can't point you to my actual page with the error as it is behind a
login, but i've put up a bunch of similar code and it is showing the
same behavior.

Here's a link.

I find it incredibly strange that the alert i put into the
"templateShifts" function triggers in FF but not in IE. It makes me
kinda think that the issue isn't with clockpick at all, but I don't
see any other problems with my code.


On Feb 12, 2:06 pm, "Josh Nathanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Do you have the latest release?  You will want to get 1.2.1.  I think there
> was an IE issue in earlier releases.
> If you could post a link as well that would be helpful.
> -- Josh
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "pedalpete" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "jQuery (English)" <jquery-en@googlegroups.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2008 1:49 PM
> Subject: [jQuery] clock pick in ajax loaded form - ie error
> > I've been using the clockpick plugin (it's awesome) and I load the
> > form which uses the plugin via an ajax call.
> > The plugin works perfectly in FF and Safari, but in ie 6&7, it only
> > shows a grey box at the bottom of the page.
> > I've look through other comments here in the jquery groups, but the
> > other resolutions don't apply to this instance.
> > If I attach clockpick to an input box in the main page, it works no
> > problem, so this only affects input boxes on a form retrieved through
> > ajax in ie.
> > I have included an alert so I know when the function is triggered.
> > strangely, the alert triggers in FF but not in IE
> > The things i've tried that didn't work are
> > a) move the content of templateShifts function into the success:
> > function
> > b) put the clockpick.js and css into the ajax add.php form (this
> > called all sorts of strange jquery errors in ie)
> > c) putting just the clockpick css into the ajax add.php
> > the code which calls the clockpick is
> > [code]
> > function getClicks(){$(".add").click(function(event) {
> > var id = this.id;
> > var posTop = event.pageY-100;
> > var posLeft = event.pageX-200;
> > var formID = "#addForm";
> > $.ajax({
> > type: "POST",
> > url: "add.php",
> > data: id,
> > success: function(response){
> > $(formID).css({ position: 'absolute', top: posTop, left:
> > posLeft });
> > $(formID).fadeIn("slow").html(response);
> > cancelForm(formID);
> > templateShifts();
> > }
> > });
> > });
> > };
> > function templateShifts(){
> >                         alert('templateShifts')
> > $("#startTime").clockpick(function(event){
> > var posTop = event.pageY+340;
> > var posLeft = event.pageX;
> > $("#CP_hourcont").css({ position: 'absolute', top: posTop, left:
> > posLeft });
> > });
> > $("#endTime").clockpick();
> > $(".templateShift").click(function(){
> > var id=this.id;
> > var times_array=id.split("-");
> > $("#startTime").val(times_array[0]);
> > $("#endTime").val(times_array[1]);
> > });
> > };
> > [/code]
> > the code of the ajax(ed) from is
> > [code]
> > <html>
> > <head>
> > <title>add form</title>
> > </head>
> > <body>
> > <script type="text/javascript">
> > var uid = "79";
> > var cid = "";
> > var sid = "3";
> > var date = "2008-02-04";
> > var swapuid = "";
> > </script>add a new 2008-02-04<br />
> > <fieldset>
> > <legend> on 2008-02-04</legend> Start Time: <input
> > name="inputStartTime" type="text" id="startTime"
> > End Time: <input name="inputEndTime" type="text" id="endTime">
> > <input type="hidden" name="sid" value="3" />
> > <input type="hidden" name="uid" value="79" />
> > <input type="hidden" name="date" value="2008-02-04" />
> > <input type="hidden" name="f" value="n" />
> > </fieldset>
> > Add Note (optional)<br />
> > <textarea name="note" rows="4" cols="20" />
> > <input type="submit" value="submit" /></body>
> > </html>
> > [/code]

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