On Feb 12, 10:13 pm, bractar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to put the result of 'index.php/get/s_document_loadFields/' in the
> input field  $('#newDoc_name') after selecting a value in the list
> $('#newDoc_select')
> The following code doesn't work for me
>  $('#newDoc_name').load('index.php/get/s_document_loadFields/',
> function(date){
>                         $('#newDoc_select').val(data);});

if I got it right, it should be something like this:

var theValue = $('#newDoc_select').val(data);
{'value': theValue});

this time you don't need a function callback, but simply to pass the
user's selection to the server.
you change 'value' in the map with the correct variable name that the
server is expecting :)

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