
while working on a plugin and following Mike Alsup's plugin pattern (
i'm stuck trying to reference an external function inside the plugin:

i have an externally accessible configuration object to store options
's default values.

$.fn.jqUploader.defaults = {
       onIni: initializeUploader(),
// more options...

as you can see, i associate a named function to the onIni property of
the defaults object. Here is that function, completely external to the
plugin code.

function initializeUploader(){
       $(this).css({background: 'red'});

now, in my main loop through each selected element, i want the user to
be able to overwrite on a case by case these defaults, via the meta
data plugin or a passed object

 var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.jqUploader.defaults, options);
 return this.each(function(index){
           $this = $(this);
           // make jqUploader compatible with metadata plugin
           $this.options = $.meta ? $.extend({}, opts, $this.data()) : opts;
           /* PROBLEM IS HERE */

Problem is: the onIni function is called, but the command inside the
function is not performed "elem has no properties" which means that
$(this) refers to nothing i guess.
I think the reason is because it does not know anymore what is
referenced by $(this).
So, can someone kindly explain me what i'm doing wrong?

Thanks a lot,


Alexandre Plennevaux

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