On 15 Feb, 06:20, freech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. I handle the check.php file like:
> <?php
> if (!isset($_POST['username'])) echo "please input a username";
> ... if $username already exists, echo "the name you try to register is
> already taken";

I think you could insert in your document a <div> with an
id="errorMessage" (or whatever)
and then change the callback function of $.post so that it puts the
response message in the div.
for example

        username: $('#username').val(),
        password: $('#password').val()
             // but you still need some check to see if the form is ok
             // what does 'check.php' send back in case the form is
             // I assume nothing, so:
             if (data != "") return false;
                  else return true;

now I'm just thinking that maybe doing as I suggested wil not work,
because $.post is an asynchronous request.
you may want to lock the page somehow, and get a synchronous request,
and have the form submit waiting for the response...
not sure (I'm not that expert I fear), so have a look here

> 2. I used <form TARGET="<?php echo "$PHP_SELF"; ?>"  to write the
> register form & data insert in same file: register.php, is there any
> way to combine the functions in check.php into register.php, which
> means all of the actions will be executed in 1 file?  looks like
> $.post('register.php'),  (call itself), are there any good solutions?

actually I don't know how that would work.
but you can try and let us know :)
good luck

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