Hi, I've been trying to create a 'splash page' using jquery, and I've
managed to code everything for it myself (meaning I've just looked
through a ton of tutorials and examples).

Basically I have a logo appear on screen, this then fades into the
background and the content then fades in, the problem is you can't
select anything on the page, or interact with it (as in links and
flash etc.).

Here is what I have so far: http://ov3rkill.com/temp/ty45k5e/

It does everything I want apart from letting me interact with the
content after the logo has faded, so in short, does anyone have any
idea on what I can do to combat this?

My only idea at the moment is that maybe the logo div is still there
and stopping you from interacting with the content below, but I'm
pretty much out of my depth here since I have little knowledge of
javascript, never mind jquery.

Cheers, 4lun

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