testing ...

On Jan 25, 6:18 pm, visitorQ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> thanks mike i'll try that and get back to you guys! you're all
> great!!!!
> On Jan 25, 3:40 pm, "Mike Alsup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > image and have it say 'read article >' and a user could click it. then
> > > when the image fades, the link does also, until the next image fades
> > > in, with it's own text link to its own article. i'm not having much
> > > luck since i need to write each link it's own class in the stylesheet
> > > because they need to be positioned a little differently from eachother
> > > over their images. how would i do this? the plugin doesn't like to see
> > > div tags after each image. it doesn't like it when i put text within
> > > the image tags. what do you think i should do?
> > Q, you just need to think outside the box a little bit.  The thing to
> > remember is that Cycle will treat each immediate child element of the
> > container as a slide.  A slide can be whatever you want  (img, div, p, etc)
> > and can contain whatever you need.  For example:
> > <div id="slideshow">
> >     <div>
> >         <img src="image1.jpg"/>
> >         <a href="/whatever">Whatever</a>
> >         <div>blah blah blah</div>
> >     </div>
> >     <div>
> >         <img src="image1.jpg"/>
> >         <a href="/whatever">Whatever</a>
> >         <div>blah blah blah</div>
> >     </div>
> > </div>
> > The markup above  would drive a two-slide slideshow.  You then just need to
> > apply the appropriate CSS to the container and slides to make your markup
> > bow to your will.
> > Mike

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