Oops, set typing in motion before engaging brain .... Setting 'On'
will defeat the object :o

What I mean to say is, I set the initial css to 'gotimages'. I still
sometimes see a flash of the 'noimages' style (on a slow connection,
with cache disabled) and will certainly be delighted if anyone comes
up with a kosher solution!

Cherry :)

On Feb 16, 2:04 pm, "Richard D. Worth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The problem here is your .load callback will get called at some point in the
> future, when the image finishes loading. However, the next line will get
> executed immediately, without waiting for that. While this may work in some
> cases (perhaps your tests), it may not if the image is too large or if the
> server is slow in responding, for example. So, I don't think this is a good
> test.
> > (hack:  there is a hidden paragraph to hold the 'variable')
> A simple variable here works just as well:
> var imgOn = false;
> $('<img src="' + '/images/bgimage.jpg' + '#' + Math.random() + '"/>'
> ).load(function() {
>   $('#noimages').attr("href", '/styles/gotimages.css');
>   imgOn = true;
> });
> alert(imgOn);
> But you have the same problem as above: your alert could very well fire
> before the image is loaded, and the callback fired.
> - Richard

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