Actually I already included my .css page.  How do I just add a class
to the <td> here is what I'm really asking.

> I'm new to JQuery.  I know you can add a CSS class to an element.  But
> here, it's sort of tricky for this one.
>     $(function(){
>             updateSettingsForForm1ValidationSet($('#form1').validate({
>                     errorPlacement:function(error,element){
>                             error.appendTo(element.parent("td").next("td"));
>                     },
>                     rules:{}
>             }));
> I figured maybe I could just append an addClass after the
> element.parent("td").next("td") but not sure if that's correct and
> then where and how to define the class itself.  Does that go inside
> the function or outside.  I assume outside.

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