on further investigation it actually is calling the error handler and
giving a parsererror.  For now I just check the browser and if FF do
text datatype, xml for all others.  a crummy workaround but i guess it
will do.

On Feb 21, 12:48 pm, Scott Vickers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to call a .net webservice with a get and no parameters.
> It is returning a simple xml doc with a single string element like
> this:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <string xmlns="http://www.mysite.com/";>
> blahblah
> </string>
> </xml>
> here is the jquery code I am using:
> $.ajax({
>             type:"GET",
>             dataType: "xml",
>             url:$link.attr('href'),
>             contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
>             data: {useSsl:useSsl},
>             success: function(data){
>                     var res = $('string',data).text();
>                     $('#' + dest).html(res);
>                 },
>             error: function(data){
>                     ShowErrorMessage(dest);
>                 }
>          });
> This works great in all browsers EXCEPT on pages where
> document.domain="mysite.com"; is set.  It seems if the datatype is set
> to xml on the pages in question the success callback is never fired in
> firefox, no js errors show up in firebug either and IE works as
> expected.
> If I change the datatype to text and then in the callback make it:
> var res=$(data).text(); it works wonderful in firefox, but only comes
> up with a blank string in IE doh!
> any suggestion on how to make it work?  we currently require the
> document.domain setting because of iframing some 3rd party content.
> any help is appreciated, this is driving me crazy.

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