Also.. you mentioned prev/next links.
Maybe what you need is SerialScroll:
It's pretty similar to LocalScroll, it also has a 'lazy' option, but
it's meant to be used for prev/next situations.

Ariel Flesler

On 23 feb, 23:12, Ariel Flesler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Jack
>   I haven't added a way to cleanly unbind localScroll as I didn't
> thought it would be usual. If that's the case, I can tell you what
> element to call unbind on.
> jQuery.LocalScroll is prepared to handle dynamic content. That's why
> the option lazy is there. If you choose the lazy option, then event
> delegation is used. That means that if you do: $
> (something).localScroll({lazy:true,..}). The binding is done on that
> 'something'. And as long as you preserve it, the click on links will
> still be caught, if you don't understand what I mean, check the AJAX
> demo. The links are renewed on each load and no rebinding is needed.
> If you need any more help, mail me to aflesler(at)gmail(dot)com and
> I'll help you out.
> Cheers
> Ariel Flesler
> On 23 feb, 18:59, Jack Killpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Wondering if anyone can help me with the LocalScroll plugin:
> > I'm using the LocalScroll plugin and would like to programmatically
> > unbind it from the nav links and target so that I can modify the set of
> > links and the target, then rebind it. I tried using the lazy:true
> > setting, but I found that I was not able to programmatically fire
> > .click() events on the nav links (which I'm doing for some custom
> > next/prev stuff) when lazy = true.
> > I'm thinking that if I can unbind it, then rebind it, what I'm trying to
> > do will work. The functionality is a set of links/target that change
> > after someone logs in (the login is performed via ajax, so the page does
> > not reload).
> > If not unbinding/rebinding, maybe there's another/better way?
> > Thanks,
> > Jack- Ocultar texto de la cita -
> - Mostrar texto de la cita -

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