Hi everyone.
I have got some problem jqModal and jquery 1.2.3, and here it is.

I am creating simple modal like this.
$('#modalcontent').jqm({ajax: url,target: 'div.jq_content', trigger: false,
modal:true, onLoad: modal_load }).jqmShow();
function modal_load (hash)

And it fires my "modal_load" function when ajax content loaded without any
My loaded modal content contains inline script like this.

function modalReady(context)
  $('a', context).click(function(){return false;});

In jquery 1.1.4 no problem, but when i used jquery 1.2.3 i am getting
"modalReady is not defined" error.
jqModal load ajax content with this code:
r.load(u, function() {
                    if (c.onLoad) c.onLoad.call(this, h);
                    if (cc) h.w.jqmAddClose($(cc, h.w));
                    e(h);  });

I checked that, jquery 1.1.4 and jquery 1.2.3 have very diffrerent "load"
functions. I guess 1.2.3 does not evaulate inline scripts.

So, how can i solve this problem? I have to use jquery 1.2.3.

Yılmaz Uğurlu ~ jabber : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~ http://www.2nci.com ~ İzmir

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