Hi All,

Has anyone done any work with the release version 1.0 of AIR and
jQuery - specifically using the jQuery Ajax call (in a sandbox page) ?

I've tried it myself in many ways, but just can't seem to get it to
actually get the data.  The page I have done works perfectly in the
browser, and the only bit that seems to fail is the $.ajax() call (or
it's 'success' callback - not sure which).

The latest 1.2.3 release of jQuery states that it is now compatible
with AIR, but to what extent?

All the Adobe docs and other tutorial/information sites about AIR use
various libraries (Spry, Ext, etc) for their Ajax bits, but I've seen
no examples with our favourite - jQuery).

Might be a good time for Rey or someone to do a simple tutorial
page ;)  (I would do one - if I could get it to work!)


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