Hi folks,

Today I am releasing the first release candidate of jMaps 2.1

jMaps is a jQuery plugin that provide several useful functions that
make working with Google maps easier.  I had been neglecting it
recently, however after several request for documenation I finally got
my finger out and fixed a few bugs and added some missing features.

The latest version is available on my mercurial repository, you can
grab from http://hg.digitalspaghetti.me.uk/jmaps/

hg clone http://hg.digitalspaghetti.me.uk/jmaps/

Or you can download the zip file directory:

You can see the API documentation here:
The formatting on the API docs is not completed, for example only the
main options have been included so far, however all the current
functions are documented with basic examples.

I'd appreciate any feedback and bug testing - I am currently setting
up a public issue tracker, but in the meantime you can email me
directly, especially any patches are apprciated.

Tane Piper
Blog - http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
Skype: digitalspaghetti
Wii: 4734 3486 7149 1830

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