hey, I think you need do something like this:

rules: {
        ID_INPUT: {
        required: true,
        email: true

sould be a ID from input text.

May you can help me... I need do something with ballons, look


But, It don't work very well.

Can you help me?

Thank you

On 5 mar, 01:00, Rodi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm using jQuery plugin Validation by Jörn. The problem is that in
> rails the element name for an input is formated as "user[email]" so
> when I pass a rule, it doesn't recognize. here is the sample:
> rules: {
>         user[email]: {
>         required: true,
>         email: true
>     }
> }
> it gives me a error on firebug: "missing : after property id
> user[email]: {\n"
> If there is a way to pass rules with the element id instead of name,
> would solve the problem. I think...
> Thanks,
> Rodrigo Soares

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