> I don't quite get "submit to a function" yet. Do you want to use a
> function that provides the data for the autocomplete list? Or call the
> function with the selected value as an argument?

I believe it would be the first option you suggested... use a function
that provides the data for the autocomplete list

Currently there are two ways to populate a list. 1 - Via a local array
of data.  2 - Via an ajax call that populates an array of data.

What I am looking for is a 3rd way of populating a list, by calling a
function.  It would work similarly to the ajax call in that it would
need to get a new list each time the search string was changed.  So
instead of sending the data to the ajax as you do in the "request"
function, it would send the request to the function, and then have a
way to get the data back and continue on it's way populating the list
as it would normally.

Apologies if this isn't clear, or not really doable.  I'm trying to
get my head around it myself, so I'm sure I'm having difficulty
explaining it well.



On Mar 5, 2:04 pm, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Aaron Barker schrieb:> For reasons beyond my control I am finding myself 
> needing to send an
> > Ajax request to a different plugin that is not jQuery (ajax4jsf).
> > Another Ajax related plugin I use allows for submitting information to
> > a function, which we used as kind of a gateway between the two
> > systems.  I call the function with the needed info, the function posts
> > to ajax4jsf.
> > I have already spent some time trying to retrofit autocomplete to
> > allow submitting to a function, but just wanted to check in to make
> > sure I'm not trying to do something that is already in the works, or
> > that someone has done on the side.
> > Any tips on existing efforts, or best ways to accomplish this would be
> > appreciated.
> I don't quite get "submit to a function" yet. Do you want to use a
> function that provides the data for the autocomplete list? Or call the
> function with the selected value as an argument?
> The latter is possible using the 
> result-method:http://jquery.bassistance.de/api-browser/plugins.html#resultFunction
> The first option needs modifications or some trickery. One trick you
> could try: Proxy $.ajax (http://docs.jquery.com/Types#Proxy_Pattern) and
> delegate all autocompleted requests to your function, call the
> success-option manually.
> Jörn

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