I'm using the jquery scrollable table plugin found here http://www.webtoolkit.info/scrollable-html-table-plugin-for-jquery.html http://www.webtoolkit.info/scrollable-html-table-plugin-for-jquery.html (if someone knows a better one to use, I'll try that as well. The above really isn't a jquery plugin, it just proxies a call to the base js.) The js works fine for scrolling vertically, but I'd also like it scroll horizontally if I set all the columns to no-wrap and it's too large for the area. Before I start mucking around trying to figure out what I need to change, has anyone modified the code to let it scroll horizontally? (I didn't see a link on the site to add comments or ask questions, so I'm asking here.) There isn't a lot to the js, so I'm posting it below if anyone knows what I need to change. Thanks.
<code> function ScrollableTable (tableEl, tableHeight, tableWidth) { this.initIEengine = function () { this.containerEl.style.overflowY = 'auto'; if (this.tableEl.parentElement.clientHeight - this.tableEl.offsetHeight < 0) { this.tableEl.style.width = this.newWidth - this.scrollWidth +'px'; } else { this.containerEl.style.overflowY = 'hidden'; this.tableEl.style.width = this.newWidth +'px'; } if (this.thead) { var trs = this.thead.getElementsByTagName('tr'); for (x=0; x<trs.length; x++) { trs[x].style.position ='relative'; trs[x].style.setExpression("top", "this.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.scrollTop + 'px'"); } } if (this.tfoot) { var trs = this.tfoot.getElementsByTagName('tr'); for (x=0; x<trs.length; x++) { trs[x].style.position ='relative'; trs[x].style.setExpression("bottom", "(this.parentElement.parentElement.offsetHeight - this.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.clientHeight - this.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.scrollTop) + 'px'"); } } eval("window.attachEvent('onresize', function () { document.getElementById('" + this.tableEl.id + "').style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.getElementById('" + this.tableEl.id + "').style.visibility = 'visible'; } )"); }; this.initFFengine = function () { this.containerEl.style.overflow = 'hidden'; this.tableEl.style.width = this.newWidth + 'px'; var headHeight = (this.thead) ? this.thead.clientHeight : 0; var footHeight = (this.tfoot) ? this.tfoot.clientHeight : 0; var bodyHeight = this.tbody.clientHeight; var trs = this.tbody.getElementsByTagName('tr'); if (bodyHeight >= (this.newHeight - (headHeight + footHeight))) { this.tbody.style.overflow = '-moz-scrollbars-vertical'; for (x=0; x<trs.length; x++) { var tds = trs[x].getElementsByTagName('td'); tds[tds.length-1].style.paddingRight += this.scrollWidth + 'px'; } } else { this.tbody.style.overflow = '-moz-scrollbars-none'; } var cellSpacing = (this.tableEl.offsetHeight - (this.tbody.clientHeight + headHeight + footHeight)) / 4; this.tbody.style.height = (this.newHeight - (headHeight + cellSpacing * 2) - (footHeight + cellSpacing * 2)) + 'px'; }; this.tableEl = tableEl; this.scrollWidth = 16; this.originalHeight = this.tableEl.clientHeight; this.originalWidth = this.tableEl.clientWidth; this.newHeight = parseInt(tableHeight); this.newWidth = tableWidth ? parseInt(tableWidth) : this.originalWidth; this.tableEl.style.height = 'auto'; this.tableEl.removeAttribute('height'); this.containerEl = this.tableEl.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createElement('div'), this.tableEl); this.containerEl.appendChild(this.tableEl); this.containerEl.style.height = this.newHeight + 'px'; this.containerEl.style.width = this.newWidth + 'px'; var thead = this.tableEl.getElementsByTagName('thead'); this.thead = (thead[0]) ? thead[0] : null; var tfoot = this.tableEl.getElementsByTagName('tfoot'); this.tfoot = (tfoot[0]) ? tfoot[0] : null; var tbody = this.tableEl.getElementsByTagName('tbody'); this.tbody = (tbody[0]) ? tbody[0] : null; if (!this.tbody) return; if (document.all && document.getElementById && !window.opera) this.initIEengine(); if (!document.all && document.getElementById && !window.opera) this.initFFengine(); } </code> -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/-Srollable-HTML-Table--Using-this-plugin%2C-can-someone-recommend-how-to-get-it-to-also-scroll-horizontally--tp15875679s27240p15875679.html Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.