
Look at this:

Maybe will solve the problem or use ajax with option async = false


On Mar 7, 12:16 pm, Shawn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's the scenario.  I'm writing a routine that will take in a list of
> "items".  Each item will fire an Ajax request and the resulting data is
> placed into a variable identified in the "items" properties.
> Looping over the items to do the Ajax call results in the LAST item's
> variable being updated.  This makes sense in that the callback happens
> after the loop has completed.
> So the question is how do I have the callback set the correct variable?
> Here's some sample code if it helps:
> //loop over each item and set the data as needed.
> for (var x = 0; x < options.items.length; x++ ) {
>    var i = options.items[x];
>    if (!i.ajaxparams) { return; };
>      var macb = function (data) { queueData[i.dataname] = data;
> checkComplete(); }
>      i.ajaxparams.success = macb;
>      $.ajax(i.ajaxparams);
>    }
> }
> The problem is the "macb" function - specifically the use of the
> i.dataname.  This works great if I have ONE ajax item.  But adding two
> (say for "names" and "scores") only sets the last dataname seen in the loop.
> doing the "var i = " *should* have prevented this, but isn't. (and my
> brain is mush right now).  So the next option is to pass in the dataname
> value to the callback function.  Except I don't see any possible way to
> pass extra data to the callback.
> Is there a better way to handle this?  I'm afraid the "obvious" answers
> probably aren't suitable in this case.  Unless my brain is worse off
> than I thought right now.
> Thanks for any tips.
> Shawn
> ps. I snipped a little bit from the above code.  There's logic to check
> if a "success" function is specified in the ajaxparams and if so use
> it's return value to set the queueData property.

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