Sorry about not being so clear: what I exactly want is to know if
window has loaded. I need to be sure if all the IMAGES had been
loaded, that's why jQuery.isReady is useless for me. jquery.isReady
equals true when DOM is loaded, but not the images.
I hope someone could help me.
Iair Salem.

PD: Please Google do something about the delay for a message to be
seen and searchable on the group.

On 7 mar, 09:11, Ariel Flesler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As far as I know, document.ready will execute functions right away if
> the dom is ready.
> Also you can use: if( jQuery.isReady ).....
> On 6 mar, 17:46,IairSalem<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello everyone, I have a problem
> > The basics:
> > $(document).ready(function(){alert("DOM Loaded")});
> > $(window).load(function(){alert("Full Page & Images Loaded")});
> > But, what happens if I do this?:
> > $(window).load(function(){
> > setTimeout("foo()", 2000);
> > );
> > function foo(){
> > $(window).load(function(){alert("this alert will never occur")}); /
> > *calling window load() after it has been called once results in
> > nothing happening....*/
> > }
> > This beaviour isn't the same as $(document).ready, because $
> > (document).ready is handled by jQuery, and jQuery sets jQuery.isReady
> > = true, and calls it inmediately.
> > Maybe I'm asking for the property jQuery.isPageLoaded which would tell
> > me if the entire page has loaded, also AFTER the page has loaded (for
> > example in a click event).
> > There is a dirty workaround:
> > var isPageLoaded = false;
> > $(window).load(
> > function(){
> > isPageLoaded=true;}
> > );
> > This will workaround the problem and fix it partially (because in
> > theory this won't work when loading scripts dinamically)
> > If you have a better solution, please share it with the group.
> > Thank you,
> >IairSalem

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