Hi nEo,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I'm going to devote some time this weekend to looking into your problem and will report back as soon as I've discovered something.

Karl Swedberg

On Mar 5, 2008, at 11:45 PM, nEo wrote:


I tried using id (#usamap). It created the cluetip, but everything was
running in a loop...

Please help.

On Feb 29, 10:26 pm, nEo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have an image map marked with areas. I am having trouble in passing
the dynamic values to the ajax script.

My image map is like this

<map name="USAMap" id="USAMap">
<area shape="poly"
class="USAstates" name="CA" title="California State" href="CA-
california.html" />
<area shape="poly" coords="88,111,99,62,40,48,23,95" class="USAstates"
name="OR" title="in Oregon State" href="OR-oregon.html" />
<area shape="poly" coords="98,61,106,22,60,10,41,15,39,47"
class='USAstates' name='WA' title='Washington State'  href='WA-
washington.html' />

my jquery script is this.

<script language="javascript" >

$(document).ready(function() {
$('area.USAstates').each( function () {
                var statekey = $(this).attr("name").toString();
       //alert('statekey =' + statekey );
                showTitle: true,
                closePosition : "title",
                sticky : true,
                hoverIntent: {
                      sensitivity:  7,
                      interval:     500,
                      timeout:      100
                ajaxCache:  false,
                ajaxSettings : {
                type : "POST",
                data : "state=" + statekey
                ajaxProcess : function (data) {
                        return "<div>" + data + "</div>";


Can some one assist me?

Thank you.

Neo M

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