I have a login page (I know it's not terribly secure, but the code
wasn't written by me, I'd write it differently, that's not the point
currently) with two forms: proxy_login and login.

Login form is defined as <form method="post" onsubmit="return
Javascript function 'login' copies username and sha1 hash of the
password to the proxy_login hidden form fields, submits proxy_login
form and returns false.

Everything works fine when jquery used on the page (it's not
used by login function at all, by the way). When jquery is upgraded to
the latest version, login sequence continue to work fine in the
firefox browser, but in IE7 (didn't test in IE6) first login_proxy
form is correctly submitted, then `login` form with plaintext password
is submitted despite the fact that onsubmit handler returned false!

Does anyone know a workaround?

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