There are a problems requesting JSON object from GDATA using jQuery.
jQuery appends a timestamp to the url which causes GData to throw an
"Invalid parameter" error. If you check with FireBug, you'll see it.

Also, GData's API says to use "alt=json-in-script" instead of just
"alt=json". It's hard to find, and I made the same mistake at first.
Without a callback parameter in the query, GData will return the
object wrapped in "{...})" but jQuery
seems to want to try callback-less JSON requests as XHRs.

I ended up working around these problems by manually inserting the
script and building a dummy object to catch the result. It's
clumsy but it works and will be easy to convert once jQuery and GData
start to get along better.

gdataURL =

// insert the script:
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.src = gdataURL;

//fake object:
gdata = { io: { handleScriptLoaded: function(data)
{ JSONparser(data); } } };

I've posted to this list about this and opened an issue with Google:

Hope this helps,


On Mar 7, 3:36 am, Saidur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi ,
> I want to get the json data from the youtube api (http://
> My code is like :
>  url="
> index=10&max-results=20&orderby=viewCount&alt=json";
> $.getJSON(url,callBackFucntion);
> function callBackFucntion ()
> {
>   // here parse the json data
> }
> But i got an error when i run this code.
> [Exception... "'Permission denied to call method'
> when calling method: [nsIDOMEventListener::handleEvent]" nsresult:
> "0x8057001e (NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_STRING)" location: "<unknown>"
> data: no]
> so agian i change the url and add the callback parameter with ?  :
>   url="
> index=10&max-results=20&orderby=viewCount&alt=json&callback=?";
>      $.getJSON(url,fucntion (data){ // parse json data
>                alert ('json data get');
> });
> This time i do not get error . But i do not get the call back
> So how can i get the json data problem
> Thanks
> Saidur Rahman

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